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Turis Cantik

4.4 ( 1664 ratings )
Livsstil Underhållning
Utvecklare: Boom Network

Hai Saya Turis Cantik welcome to my app!

Memulai dunia blogging sejak 2008 di flat sempit di Jerman, saya awalnya mulai menulis dari frienster, multiply, wordpress, hingga blogspot dan sejak itu saya tak ingin berhenti menulis catatan perjalanan saya.

Saya seorang Jurnalis yang mencintai jalan-jalan, dan profesi itulah yang membawa saya ( alhamdulilah ) melihat belahan negara lain dan keliling indonesia. Sebuah anugerah yang ingin saya share pada anda melalui app ini.

So enjoy the ride with me!

Hi there Beautiful Tourists welcome to my app!

I started blogging since 2008 from my tiny flat in Germany. I originally started writing from frienster, multiply, wordpress, blogspot and since then I do not want to stop writing my travel notes. Thats why I developed this wonderful app for all of you to enjoy!

I am a journalist who loved the walks, and the professions what brought me (thank God) seeing other parts of the country and around Indonesia. A gift that I want to share to you via this app.

So enjoy the ride with me!